Cheat Codes for Pokemon Yellow

Platform: Game Boy Color

30 Codes Found 
  1. Unlimited Safari Balls

  2. No random battles

  3. Unlimited HP( in battle)

  4. Unlimited casino coins

  5. Buy anything from Pokemart

    First slot:
    Second slot:
    Third slot:
    Fourth slot:
    Replace xx with one of the following values.
    Antidote ($100): 0B
    Awakening ($200): 0E
    Burn Heal ($250): 0C
    Calcium ($9800): 27
    Carbos ($9800): 26
    Coin ($10): 3B
    Dire Hit ($650): 3A
    Elixer ($0): 52
    Escape Rope ($550): 1D
    Ether ($0): 50
    Exp. All ($0): 4B
    Fire Stone ($2100): 20
    Fresh Water ($200): 3C
    Full Heal ($600): 34
    Full Restore ($3000): 10
    Great Ball ($200): 03
    Guard Spec ($700): 37
    HP up ($9800): 23
    Hyper Potion ($1500): 12
    Ice Heal ($250): 0D
    Iron ($9800): 25
    Leaf Stone ($2100): 2F
    Lemonade ($350): 3E
    Master Ball ($0): 01
    Max Elixer ($0): 53
    Max Ether ($0): 51
    Max Potion ($2500): 11
    Max Repel ($700): 30
    Max Revive ($4000): 36
    Moon Stone ($0): 0A
    Nugget ($10000): 31
    Parlyze Heal ($200): 0F
    Pokéball ($200): 04
    PokéDoll ($1000): 33
    Potion ($300): 14
    PP Up ($0): 4F
    PP up ($9800): 32
    Protein ($9800): 24
    Rare Candy ($4800): 28
    Repel ($350): 1E
    Revive ($1500): 35
    Soda Pop ($300): 3D
    Super Potion ($700): 13
    Super Repel ($500): 38
    Thunderstone ($2100): 21
    Ultra Ball ($1200): 02
    Waterstone ($2100): 22
    X Accuracy ($950): 2E
    X Attack ($500): 41
    X Defend ($550): 42
    X Special ($350): 44
    X Speed ($350): 43
  6. Catch a Pokemon level 40

  7. Catch a Pokemon level 75

  8. Pacific Pikachu

  9. Never miss and have more criticals

  10. Unlimited money

  11. Unlimited PP (2nd position)

  12. All Badges

  13. Unlimited PP (4th position)

  14. Unlimited time (Safari Zone)

  15. Float on air

  16. Protect status

  17. Catch a Pokemon level 50

  18. Catch a Pokemon level 5

  19. Catch a Pokemon level 190

  20. Catch a Pokemon level 99

  21. Catch a Pokemon level 10

  22. Catch a Pokemon level 20

  23. Unlimited PP (1st position)

  24. Have HM and TM power-ups in shop

    First slot:
    Second slot:
    Third slot:
    Fourth slot:
    Replace xx with one of the following values.
    C4: HM01 Cut
    C5: HM02 Fly
    C6: HM03 Surf
    C7: HM04 Strength
    C8: HM05 Flash
    C9: TM01 Mega Punch
    CA: TM02 Razor Wind
    CB: TM03 Swords Dance
    CC: TM04 Whirlwind
    CD: TM05 Mega Kick
    CE: TM06 Toxic
    CF: TM07 Horn Drill
    D0: TM08 Body Slam
    D1: TM09 Take Down
    D2: TM10 Double Edge
    D3: TM11 Double Beam
    D4: TM12 Watergun
    D5: TM13 Ice Beam
    D6: TM14 Blizzard
    D7: TM15 Hyperbeam
    D8: TM16 PayDay
    D9: TM17 Submission
    DA: TM18 Counter
    DB: TM19 Seismic Toss
    DC: TM20 Rage
    DD: TM21 Mega Drain
    DE: TM22 Solar Beam
    DF: TM23 Dragon Rage
    E0: TM24 Thunderbolt
    E1: TM25 Thunder
    E2: TM26 Earthquake
    E3: TM27 Fissure
    E4: TM28 Dig
    E5: TM29 Psychic
    E6: TM30 Teleport
    E7: TM31 Mimic
    E8: TM32 Double Team
    E9: TM33 Reflect
    EA: TM34 Bide
    EB: TM35 Metronome
    EC: TM36 Self-Destruct
    ED: TM37 Egg Bomb
    EE: TM38 Fire Blast
    EF: TM39 Swift
    F0: TM40 Skull Blast
    F1: TM41 Soft Boiled
    F2: TM42 Dream Eater
    F3: TM43 Sky Attack
    F4: TM44 Rest
    F5: TM45 Thunder Wave
    F6: TM46 Psywave
    F7: TM47 Exposion
    F8: TM48 Rock Slide
    F9: TM49 Tri-Attack
    FA: TM50 Substitute
  25. Catch any wild Pokemon

    Replace xx with the following values
    Abra: 94
    Aerodactyl: AB
    Alakazam: 95
    Arbok: 2D
    Arcanine: 14
    Articuno: 4A
    Beedrill: 72
    Bellsprout: BC
    Blastoise: 1C
    Bulbasaur: 99
    Butterfree: 7D
    Caterpie: 7B
    Chansey: 28
    Charizard: B4
    Charmander: B0
    Charmeleon: B2
    Clefable: 8E
    Clefairy: 04
    Cloyster: 8B
    Cubone: 11
    Dewgong: 78
    Diglett: 3B
    Ditto: 4C
    Dodrio: 74
    Doduo: 46
    Dragonair: 59
    Dragonite: 42
    Dratini: 58
    Drowzee: 30
    Dugtrio: 76
    Eevee: 66
    Ekans: 6C
    Electabuzz: 35
    Electrode: 8D
    Exeggcute: 0C
    Exeggutor: 0A
    Farfetch'd: 40
    Fearow: 23
    Flareon: 67
    Gastly: 19
    Gengar: 0E
    Geodude: A9
    Gloom: BA
    Golbat: 82
    Goldeen: 9D
    Golduck: 80
    Golem: 31
    Graveler: 27
    Grimer: 0D
    Growlithe: 21
    Gyarados: 16
    Haunter: 93
    Hitmonchan: 2C
    Hitmonlee: 2B
    Horsea: 5C
    Hypno: 81
    Ivysaur: 09
    Jigglypuff: 64
    Jolteon: 68
    Jynx: 48
    Kabuto: 5A
    Kabutops: 5B
    Kadabra: 26
    Kakuna: 71
    Kangaskhan: 02
    Kingler: 8A
    Koffing: 37
    Krabby: 4E
    Lapras: 13
    Lickitung: 0B
    Machamp: 7E
    Machoke: 29
    Machop: 6A
    Magmar: 33
    Magnemite: AD
    Magneton: 36
    Majikarp: 85
    Mankey: 39
    Marowak: 91
    Meowth: 4D
    Metapod: 7C
    Mew: 15
    Mewtwo: 83
    Missingno: 34
    Motres: 49
    Mr. Mime: 2A
    Muk: 88
    NidoKing: 07
    NidoQueen: 10
    Nidoran (female): 0F
    Nidoran (male): 03
    Nidorina: A8
    Nidorino: A7
    Ninetales: 53
    Oddish: B9
    Omanyte: 62
    Omastar: 63
    Onix: 22
    Paras: 6D
    Parasect: 2E
    Persian: 90
    Pidgeot: 97
    Pidgeotto: 96
    Pidgey: 24
    Pikachu: 54
    Pinsir: 1D
    Poliwag: 47
    Poliwhirl: 6E
    Poliwrath: 6F
    Ponyta: A3
    Porygon: AA
    Primeape: 75
    Psyduck: 2F
    Raichu: 55
    Rapidash: A4
    Raticate: A6
    Rattata: A5
    Rhydon: 01
    Rhyhorn: 12
    Sandshrew: 60
    Sandslash: 61
    Scyther: 1A
    Seadra: 5D
    Seaking: 9E
    Seel: 3A
    Shellder: 17
    Slowbro: 08
    Slowpoke: 25
    Snorlax: 84
    Spearow: 05
    Squirtle: B1
    Starmie: 98
    Staru: 1B
    Tangela: 1E
    Tauros: 3C
    Tentacool: 18
    Tentacruel: 9B
    Vaporeon: 69
    Venamoth: 77
    Venonat: 41
    Venusaur: 9A
    Victreebell: BE
    Vileplume: BB
    Voltorb: 06
    Vulpix: 52
    Wartortle: B3
    Weedle: 70
    Weepinbell: BD
    Weezing: 8F
    Wigglytuff: 65
    Zapdos: 4B
    Zubat: 6B
  26. Unlimited PP (3rd position)

  27. Catch a Pokemon level 15

  28. Surfing Pikachu

    Pikachu must be in the first position,
    then use one of the following codes.
    013972D1 (To overwrite the first attack with Surf)
    013973D1 (To overwrite the second attack with Surf)
    013974D1 (To overwrite the third attack with Surf)
    013975D1 (To overwrite the fourth attack with Surf)
    To play the mini-game, travel to the Surfing Guru south of Fuchia City and talk to him.
    Answer "Yes" when he asks if you want to go surfing
  29. Catch a Pokemon level 30

  30. Enemy can not attack and burn at beginning of match
