Game Saves for Goldeneye: Rogue Agent

Platform: Nintendo DS, Last updated: 23/10/2005

6 Game Saves Found
  1. beaten on easy and normal only need Omen XR and Dr. No skin in virtual training
    Downloaded 562 times.
  2. beaten on easy and normal only need Omen XR, Bathhouse stage, and Dr. No skin in virtual traing. 42% done in file A hard!!
    Downloaded 562 times.
  3. Volcano Lair 75% Complete All Powers Unlocked
    Downloaded 863 times.
  4. Volcano Lair 75omplete All Powers Unlocked
    Downloaded 852 times.
  5. Save1 Fairly good save
    Downloaded 295 times.
  6. beaten on easy and normal only need Omen XR, Bathhouse stage, and Dr. No skin in virtual traing. 42one in file A hard!!
    Downloaded 216 times.