Game Saves for The House of the Dead 2 and 3 Return

Platform: Nintendo Wii, Last updated: 08/08/2009

2 COMMUNITY Game Saves Found
  1. 2 and 3 compleated house of the dead 3 compleated on arcade and master mode unlimeted credit unloked. house of the dead 2 arcade and origanl mode done unlocked very easy and very hard boss mode almost completed traning mode almost done have lots of items on origanal mode Downloaded 110 times.
  2. RHDP europe this power save gives you all unlockable modes (extreme and boss) and new difficulties (very easy and very hard ) and (9 credits 5 health ) Downloaded 66 times.
1 OFFICIAL Game Saves Found
  1. All Extras and Difficulties Unlocked
    Downloaded 1169 times.