Cheat Codes for Final Fantasy Tactics A2

Game ID: A6FP-7EB47A5E  |  Platform: Nintendo DS

119 Codes Found 
1 2
  1. Other Clans no Tokens

    c0000000 00000004
    021318b4 00000000
    dc000000 00000008
    d2000000 00000000
  2. Full Points in Auction

    d5000000 000003e7
    c0000000 00000009
    d7000000 0212da8c
    d2000000 00000000
  3. Easy Win Auction

    92294de8 00000401
    22294dea 00000021
    d0000000 00000000
  4. Auctions Never Ends

    020ef48c e2812000
  5. Infinite Item Usage

    920f1466 0000b3a0
    020f1464 e5d20003
    d2000000 00000000
  6. Max Item on Usage

    920f146a 0000a3a0
    020f1468 e3a00063
    d2000000 00000000
  7. Shop Has All Items in Stock

    d5000000 ffffffff
    c0000000 0000000c
    d6000000 0212d6c8
    d2000000 00000000
  8. All Loot (Press L+R)

    94000130 000000ff
    d5000000 630001af
    c0000000 000000cb
    d6000000 0212d398
    d4000000 00000001
    d2000000 00000000
  9. All Items (Press L+R)

    94000130 000000ff
    d5000000 6300019c
    c0000000 00000012
    d6000000 0212d34c
    d4000000 00000001
    d2000000 00000000
  10. All Weapons (Press L+R)

    94000130 000000ff
    d5000000 63000001
    c0000000 0000019b
    d6000000 0212ccdc
    d4000000 00000001
    d2000000 00000000
  11. Max/Full HP All Units (Press L+R)

    94000130 000000ff
    d3000000 0212b038
    c0000000 00000017
    dc000000 0000011c
    a0000000 00000000
    00000000 03e703e7
    d2000000 00000000
    This code requires 1.54 ARDS or above. You can upgrade to latest version using the PC application.
  12. Max/Full MP All Units (Press L+R)

    94000130 000000ff
    d3000000 0212b038
    c0000000 00000017
    dc000000 0000011c
    a0000000 00000000
    00000004 03e703e7
    d2000000 00000000
    This code requires 1.54 ARDS or above. You can upgrade to latest version using the PC application.
  13. Max Attack All Units (Press L+R)

    94000130 000000ff
    d3000000 0212b038
    c0000000 00000017
    dc000000 0000011c
    a0000000 00000000
    10000008 000003e7
    d2000000 00000000
    This code requires 1.54 ARDS or above. You can upgrade to latest version using the PC application.
  14. Max Defense All Units (Press L+R)

    94000130 000000ff
    d3000000 0212b038
    c0000000 00000017
    dc000000 0000011c
    a0000000 00000000
    1000000a 000003e7
    d2000000 00000000
    This code requires 1.54 ARDS or above. You can upgrade to latest version using the PC application.
  15. Max Magic All Units (Press L+R)

    94000130 000000ff
    d3000000 0212b038
    c0000000 00000017
    dc000000 0000011c
    a0000000 00000000
    1000000c 000003e7
    d2000000 00000000
    This code requires 1.54 ARDS or above. You can upgrade to latest version using the PC application.
  16. Max Resistance All Units (Press L+R)

    94000130 000000ff
    d3000000 0212b038
    c0000000 00000017
    dc000000 0000011c
    a0000000 00000000
    1000000e 000003e7
    d2000000 00000000
    This code requires 1.54 ARDS or above. You can upgrade to latest version using the PC application.
  17. Press Select for all Weapons, Armor, Accessories, and Items

    94000130 fffb0000
    d3000000 0212ccdc
    d5000000 63000000
    c0000000 000001af
    d6000000 00000000
    d4000000 00000001
    d2000000 00000000
  18. Super Race Modifier Code (Update Firmware to version 1.54 or Above)

    a4000130 fffb0000
    02000010 00000000
    d2000000 00000000
    a2000010 00000001
    94000130 fffb0000
    62132648 00000000
    b2132648 00000000
    dc000000 00000006
    80000000 00ff0600
    20000001 00000000
    d0000000 00000000
    db000000 00000001
    d4000000 00000001
    d8000000 00000001
    d3000000 00000000
    02000010 00000001
    d2000000 00000000
    With This Code ON, Hold SELECT while selecting the option 'Change Jobs' then press A (while holding Select) to switch races and access any class. Release select, exit and repeat steps to get next set of jobs.
  19. Super Class Modifier Code (Update Firmware to version 1.54 or Above)

    a4000130 fff70000
    02000014 00000000
    d2000000 00000000
    a2000014 00000001
    94000130 fff70000
    62132648 00000000
    b2132648 00000000
    dc000000 0000000e
    80000000 ff00005f
    20000000 00000000
    d0000000 00000000
    db000000 00000000
    d4000000 00000001
    d8000000 00000000
    d3000000 00000000
    02000014 00000001
    d2000000 00000000
    With This Code ON, Hold Start while selecting the Option 'Change Jobs' then press A. Release select, exit and repeat steps for next skills.