If you are receiving and “Error Connecting” message when trying to link the GBA Action Replay to your computer you must make sure that you have everything connected and turned on for it to link properly. First make sure that you have the Action Replay in the GBA and there is a game in the Action Replay. Then plug in the cable to the Action Replay and turn the GBA on. Let the Action Replay load to the main menu screen, and then open the GBX software on your computer. Now all you need to do is click on the AR GBX button at the bottom of the GBX software.
If it`s still not connecting, try the following:
1. Click START -> SETTINGS -> CONTROL PANEL. Double click on "Add New Hardware".
2. When prompted select that you want to "select the Hardware from a list".
3. Select "Other Devices" from the list of hardware and then click Next.
4. Click on the Have Disk button. Enter "C:\Program Files\Interact\Action Replay GBA\Drivers" under the box to "Copy Manufacturer`s files from".
5. Select the "GBA Link" and Click Next.
6. When prompted, click "Finish" and restart your computer.